Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Notes from Time Management Week

It really feels like a chore to write a new post. I am SO not a writer. If I should ever go to graduate school I would first need to "make my peace" - as my choir director is so fond of saying - with writing.

My quote-unquote "self-improvement" project is going pretty well. As expected, pefection is not being achieved. So far I haven't even used the little chart, although I may eventually. I did observe an almost immediate shift in focus in my day-to-day activities last week, however. Appropriately enough for "spritual discipline week" (last week) it was a renewed focus on the important things, the eternal things - on God. That shift in focus effected a shift in priorities, and I watched in amazement as other areas of my life fell into place. For example, in order to have time to read the Bible I have to make time, which requires me to stick to a slightly more detailed schedule. I began to be more conscious of using my time well and being more prompt. And - bonus - this has allowed me to start going to the gym more regularly, even before "physical wellness week" (next week) starts. So cool.

Of course, now the challenge will be to turn these short term changes into good habits.

I could blather on, but with all this talk about my "self" I'm feeling a bit "self-conscious" (shout-out to Jessica G).

1 comment:

Anna said...

Wow, listening to all your self-improvement talk makes me feel a little guilty. I'm so glad your schedule is falling into place, though!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Notes from Time Management Week

It really feels like a chore to write a new post. I am SO not a writer. If I should ever go to graduate school I would first need to "make my peace" - as my choir director is so fond of saying - with writing.

My quote-unquote "self-improvement" project is going pretty well. As expected, pefection is not being achieved. So far I haven't even used the little chart, although I may eventually. I did observe an almost immediate shift in focus in my day-to-day activities last week, however. Appropriately enough for "spritual discipline week" (last week) it was a renewed focus on the important things, the eternal things - on God. That shift in focus effected a shift in priorities, and I watched in amazement as other areas of my life fell into place. For example, in order to have time to read the Bible I have to make time, which requires me to stick to a slightly more detailed schedule. I began to be more conscious of using my time well and being more prompt. And - bonus - this has allowed me to start going to the gym more regularly, even before "physical wellness week" (next week) starts. So cool.

Of course, now the challenge will be to turn these short term changes into good habits.

I could blather on, but with all this talk about my "self" I'm feeling a bit "self-conscious" (shout-out to Jessica G).

1 comment:

Anna said...

Wow, listening to all your self-improvement talk makes me feel a little guilty. I'm so glad your schedule is falling into place, though!